It’s important to value the reliability of a medical alert service over how often your loved one uses their button. These systems are there for those “once in a blue moon” emergency situations. We’re so happy to reliably be there for our customers, and we know our systems are crucial to their long-term success...
Most seniors recognize the importance of using a medical alert as they age. While these systems are an integral part of any solid safety plan, they are just one part. Whether you are one of our many happy GET HELP NOW customers or you’re with a different medical alert service, here are some important “next steps” to consider for your on-going safety...
How great would it be to be able to see into the future while planning your mother’s medical alert service? You’d know how many years she needs the system, where she’ll stay during that time and what type of phone service is available there. For many families a lot of these variables are unknown, but with our GET HELP NOW service that’s okay...

We send a Vial of Life kit to all of our new customers with their order. This kit allows them to prepare and store their medical information to be better prepared for emergencies. Turns out, having basic medical information allows firefighters, paramedics & EMTs to do an even better job of treating a patient. They’ll know important information like your allergies, medical history and more, and all this information can save your life!...
Getting started with a new medical alert in mom’s home is pretty straightforward. Setting up the equipment, testing and showing mom how to use her new emergency button is a breeze for most families. I truly think the most difficult part of all this is remembering to test your system monthly. In the short-term, remembering to test actually is easy. Most seniors are excited about their new system and enjoy testing it to see how it works. But as mom’s system becomes a normal thing for her around the house, remembering to test becomes more and more difficult...

It's nice to know the neighbors for a number of reasons, whether that's "borrowing" an egg or a splash of milk while cooking or just making pleasant conversation. Some seniors have lived in the same neighborhood for many years and have a built in base of friends. Others may have recently moved and don't know the neighbors. If that's you, here's a great reason to bake some cookies to give to the neighbors: Your Medical Alert Contact List.

For so many of our senior customers, ease of use is an important part of their long-term success with their medical alert. Once set up, all of our in-home systems are incredibly user-friendly - even for seniors as they age. But sometimes seniors need a little more help getting things set up in their home. While all of our medical alerts for seniors are easy to plug in and come with straightforward set-up instructions, our cellular system easily surpasses the rest.
After weeks of researching, you've finally settled on a solid company for mom's senior monitoring system. You order the system, it ships out and you even help mom set it up. You and mom follow the directions line for line testing the system's range and everything. It works just fine, and you're done. But, like many families out there, you may be left wondering "Okay, what's next?"... There are a number of things that you can do to optimize mom's use of her new medical alert ...