Life is filled with ups and downs that we try to push through. Depression is one of the “downs” in life that seems to hurt the hardest. Seniors and older

It is certainly an adjustment watching a parent age, and while it is a privilege, it may not always be seamless. As you switch into having more of a caregiving

Getting older is no cakewalk, especially for those reaching their elder years. Still, older parents or relatives may need extra care or supervision if they suffer from cognitive or physical

There comes a time when you must decide whether your parent or relative needs at-home care or should move into an assisted living facility. With pros and cons to both,

Everyone needs sleep regardless of age. Children need it, students need it, and even adults need enough sleep to prepare for the next business day. However, older adults, in particular,

Watching your parents grow old is a beautiful thing to witness. Naturally, they loved and cared for you while you grew up, so you want to return the favor. However,
Most seniors recognize the importance of using a medical alert as they age. While these systems are an integral part of any solid safety plan, they are just one part. Whether you are one of our many happy GET HELP NOW customers or you’re with a different medical alert service, here are some important “next steps” to consider for your on-going safety...

Compared to a good amount of our GET HELP NOW customers I’m a young guy. I am 67, and I use a medical alert button to protect my health. In fact I wear it with great pride. For me, like for many other senior citizens, this little button is a symbol that I don’t give up without a fight!...

We send a Vial of Life kit to all of our new customers with their order. This kit allows them to prepare and store their medical information to be better prepared for emergencies. Turns out, having basic medical information allows firefighters, paramedics & EMTs to do an even better job of treating a patient. They’ll know important information like your allergies, medical history and more, and all this information can save your life!...

When is the right time to get mom and dad started with a Senior Safety system? It’s sometimes tough to tell because there are no hard & fast rules for this sort of question. It depends on the situation and the senior. One thing is for certain though: It is never too early to get started with this type of protection. And the best way to get started is to have a conversation with mom and dad...